If I could use three words to describe myself they would be dedicated, positive, and empathetic. I see myself as someone who understands people and human nature, able to see the good in both people and situations.
One of the best things I did at university was become a committee member on two societies: Langwith Netball, and The Scott Award. Both were fantastic opportunities to meet people and create friendships, but also to enhance my communication and leadership skills. Creating opportunities for other students to have an outlet, whether this be through sport or art, was incredibly fulfilling, and was what drove me to become Chair of The Scott Award committee in my second year. Having taken the role during a nation-wide lockdown, creating events for the community was tricky, but working together with the rest of the committee, figuring out how to bring some fun to those in the same position, was fun and a good distraction from not being able to see everyone in-person!
Likewise, joining Langwith Netball and becoming a Social Secretary for the club was amazing. Welcoming the new freshers, putting on weekly socials, and helping everyone through lockdown was heartwarming. Whilst I am by no means the best netball-er, having the opportunity to play throughout university helped me learn to balance my time, prioritising my work whilst looking after myself too.
I’ve worked part-time in retail now for nearly 5 years. In doing so I’ve learned a huge amount, both about the industry and about people. Retail is intrinsically social, you meet people you perhaps never would have otherwise, form friendships and connections with customers and colleagues, and get to give people a really great experience. I’ve been fortunate to work with brands and companies I love, and that respect and appreciate their employees, which has often made the jobs feel a lot less like work! Whilst you may infrequently get a few negative experiences, working in retail has taught me vital communication and organisation skills, and helped me massively at university to structure my weeks and plan my days, helping my efficiency and organisation outside of work.
Outside of work, art, and education, my priorities lie with my friends and family. As I mentioned, I’d like to think I’m a positive person, and I believe a lot of learning that comes down to who I choose to surround myself with. My friends are people that see the good in bad situations, and that is something I’ve learned to do myself now too. Surrounding myself with nature, focusing and working on projects that fulfil me, and giving my time and energy to those I care for are a few things I do to keep myself and my life positive.